How much does go markets charge?

2024/3/16 11:17:06

In the intricate world of online trading, understanding the fee structure and the costs associated with a trading platform is essential for traders aiming to maximize their investment returns. Go Markets, as a renowned broker in the forex and CFD trading domain, offers a variety of account types, trading instruments, and platforms, each with its unique pricing and fees. This article explores the comprehensive fee structure of Go Markets, including spreads, commission charges, account types, additional fees, and how these costs compare with industry standards. This deep dive aims to equip traders with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding their trading journey with Go Markets.

Account Types and Their Charges

Go Markets primarily offers two types of accounts: Standard and Pro. The Standard account is tailored for beginners and casual traders, offering no commission on trades with slightly higher spreads. On the other hand, the Pro account, designed for more experienced traders, features lower spreads but includes a commission on trades. Understanding the distinction between these account types and their respective cost implications is crucial for traders to choose the account that best fits their trading style and frequency.

Spreads and Commissions

The spread, the difference between the bid and ask price of a trading instrument, is a primary cost that traders encounter. Go Markets is known for offering competitive spreads across a wide range of trading instruments, including major forex pairs, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. For Standard account holders, the spreads start slightly higher but without additional commission charges, making it simple and straightforward for less frequent traders or those new to the market.

Pro account holders enjoy lower spreads, which can significantly benefit high-volume traders or those trading short-term strategies. However, these benefits come with a commission charge per trade, which is clearly outlined on the Go Markets website. The commission is set at a competitive rate, ensuring that even with these charges, the overall trading costs remain competitive within the industry.

Non-Trading Fees

Beyond spreads and commissions, Go Markets maintains transparency regarding its non-trading fees. These include overnight swap rates, which are interest fees charged or credited for holding positions overnight, and are standard practice in forex and CFD trading. Go Markets provides detailed information on swap rates for each instrument, allowing traders to calculate potential costs or earnings from holding positions over time.

Withdrawal and deposit fees are another consideration. Go Markets prides itself on offering various deposit and withdrawal methods without additional charges from the broker. However, traders should be aware of potential fees charged by their banks or payment providers, as these are outside of Go Markets' control.

Platform and Account Maintenance Fees

Go Markets does not charge any fees for using its trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), nor does it impose account maintenance fees. This approach allows traders to access advanced trading tools and features without worrying about incurring extra costs, making Go Markets an attractive option for traders of all levels.

Inactivity Fees

An inactivity fee is applied to accounts that have not engaged in trading activity for a certain period. Go Markets' approach to inactivity fees is relatively lenient, with fees only being charged after an account has been inactive for an extended period. This fee is nominal and is primarily intended to encourage traders to remain active or to close their accounts if they no longer wish to trade.

Comparison with Industry Standards

When compared with industry standards, Go Markets' fee structure is competitive and transparent. The broker's commitment to providing detailed information on all potential costs associated with trading ensures that traders can make informed decisions without fear of hidden charges. The balance between competitive spreads, reasonable commission charges, and the absence of unnecessary fees positions Go Markets as an attractive option for both novice and experienced traders.


Understanding the complete fee structure of Go Markets is essential for traders aiming to navigate the forex and CFD markets effectively. With its competitive spreads, reasonable commission rates for Pro accounts, and a clear policy on non-trading fees, Go Markets stands out as a transparent and reliable broker. The absence of platform and account maintenance fees, coupled with a lenient approach to inactivity charges, further solidifies its position as a cost-effective choice for traders. By choosing the account type that aligns with their trading strategy and keeping an eye on potential overnight and payment provider fees, traders can optimize their trading costs and enhance their overall trading experience with Go Markets.

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